Finally an easy way to connect with your Soul and see your unique gifts!

The Golden Key to your Soul

The secret to getting stress relief and increasing your self-esteem - with a simple technique

A 2-HOURS MASTERCLASS with BEINGS OF LIGHT, which will help you feel calm, connected and seen

Masterclass will happen on July 26th - you will get the Zoom link to your email

Become better
Write your awesome label here.

Is it for you? 

This masterclass will be useful for you if... 

  • You feel stuck in your job or in your relationship. It feels like you are NOT on the right path - like you missed the right turn and now you are lost. 

  • You feel overwhelemed by the daily stress and expectations of those around you 

  • You do not feel appreciated for what you do. You put so much energy and effort into making everything work - yet it feels pointless. 

  • You hear a deep calling of your Soul - sweet, gentle energy within your heart, which calls you to step into your full potential

  • You've tried many self-help methods, but it feels like you are running in circles. You wish to get rid of old limitations so you can finally live happy and Soul-aligned life

  • You want to deepen the connection with your Light team / light guides and feel guided on your way

What you can expect at the masterclass?


  • Group Meditation: Connection to your Soul, Beings of Light and Highest Potential of your Soul - You will experience the connection with your true Self. This will bring peace to your heart and improve the way you see yourself.

  • Gentle release of the old limitations at the Soul level with Light Language- we will touch topics such as family lines, past lives, subconscious saboteurs. You will gain understanding of what led you to this day - why some experiences are so difficult and others are easy

  • You will get a chance to meet your galactic / soul family and

  • You will learn how to tap into your Soul Gifts and make them shine! 
Write your awesome label here.
(More about light language below)

So join in, and experience...

Write your awesome label here.

Feeling of connection with your Soul

This will help you make choices that are kinder to you
Write your awesome label here.

Understanding what your Soul Gifts are

And how you can activate them and use them in your life
Write your awesome label here.

Knowing how to make Soul-aligned choices

Get in touch with your real SELF - the whole, fulfilled, resourceful being of YOU, which is far bigger, greater and awesomer than every tiny self-belief we acquire during this life
Write your awesome label here.

Increased intuition, self-love and self-worth

Make choices based on this feeling of being WORTHY and SEEN

What do others think?


I just wanted to say that I AM SO GRATEFUL for the reading you gave me. It put in a HUGE piece of the puzzle for me that I had been missing for a long, long, time. All of my life I have OVER given and I have no desire to do that anymore.
Ana C. Jones
Veronika, I must say that your session was AWESOME. I really WAS able to connect to my Soul. My intuition deepened and the sweet feeling of trust to my Universe is stronger than ever! 

Eva R., Therapist
I can say for myself that your approach is amazing and actually so simple! I realized a lot of things, gained more confidence in what I do. Thank you very much! You have a very pleasant voice. Oh and I even started to perceive the soul of the's very new for me...but exciting :)
Vladka Rasova, tarot reader and coach
Veronika is able to see through many layers. She channels guidance specifically tailored to the energy of the group. I loved the Light language activation. I feel this light, uplifting energy still within me. 
Dasa chanten, facilitator
Veronika has a true gift, she has never met me and everything she said resonated with me! You can tell she is receiving messages from spirit and honestly, it blew me away every time she spoke! Thank you so much for sharing your gift with me!
Amy Rampel, toronto
reserve your spot!

The Golden Key to your Soul

 The Live Call will happen on 25th July, will be recorded and sent to your email
Write your awesome label here.

2-hours Masterclass where I channel:
  • Activation of your Soul energy (worth $50)
  • Strengthening of your spiritual gifts (worth $120)
  • Channeled meeting with your galactic family (worth $80)
  • Light codes transmission for your highest good (worth $250)
  • You will get a recording of this masterclass to your email
  • BONUS: 1 hour Soul Connection Workshop with meditation

$500 USD

$29 USD

After payment you'll receive a Zoom link plus Bonus recording 
100% Guarantee
I you do not feel any change or benefit after watching the masterclass,
you get your money back. 
This Guarantee is valid for 7 days 
*Light Language is a form of transmission of vibration of pure love. These are not words as we know them, but a "coded language". Also the language of a Higher Self and Beings of Light. This vibration goes directly to our heart and cells, behind your logical mind. Light language used on my workshops is transmitted in connection to the Highest Truth and with regard to your current journey.
Any question? 
Please write me to 

Hi there!
I am Veronika Wildová. I help people connect with their Soul and see the Gifts they bring to this World. 

I am a professional Soul Reader. I've had a pleasure to read and teach hundreds of souls on my 1:1 sessions and group workshops. I speak and sing Light language as part of my healing sessions. It serves as a fast and effective Soul/Source energy activation.

My clients are awesome people of all age groups who are awakening to the "reality of the Soul" and who need a kind guide on their way.

Every soul brings a unique imprint to this World. The mission of each soul is unique. It is usually not that related to the work we do, but to the way we look at the world and how we interact with it. For the soul, her Calling does not mean one single, predefined journey. On the contrary! The Soul energy shows us that we have many choices at any moment, and our gifts relate to all of them :)

You can find more about my Soul reading sessions HERE

Meet my client Jane...

Jane B.

Jane came to my SoulReading session when she felt lost. After giving birth to her second child, she did not want to go back to her old job. She felt stressed and overwhelmed, and her partner did not get why she was so unhappy all the time.
 After connecting with her Soul she finally understood where her true gifts were. She could see that she never chose for herself - she was putting everybody else first.
 She started her own little business. She started working on her emotional wounds from her childhood. She included her spiritual self to her business. Within several months, she was living a fulfilled happy life - with choices she made for herself and her happiness, in alignment with her Soul. And her family is happy, too, seeing their happy mum!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a religious practice?

No. The practices I will teach you at the workshop are based on your intuition and work with your higher Self. When I talk about Divine spark, I mean the Source / Light which I see with everyone. 

How do I recognize the voice of my Soul from the voice of my ego / mind?

The energy of your Soul is always loving, expanding, liberating. Your Soul will never want you to do anything you would not like. The energy of your Soul brings in the sense of purpose and being loved. 

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes! If you watch the workshop and you do not get any value from it, I will give you your money back within 7 days from purchase.
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