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Book your SoulReading session with 10% off!

Limited spots available
Write your awesome label here.

Book your personal SoulReading session with me!

75 minutes long session, where we go across:

  • Your Soul's plan for this incarnation - so you can make choices which are kind and loving towards you
  • How to break vows from previous lifetimes - so you can go about your life free of the old baggage
  • Your Soul Gifts and Challenges - so you know where your Light shines the brightest - and where you sabotage yourself
  • How to release limitations around your family lineage - if you feel like you still live your family's karma
  • Your Soul's Light language - how to open to your very own Language of Light 

75 minutes for your and your Soul

Limited spots available

$ 270


What will you get?

SoulReading session to activate your Unique Soul Blueprint

75 minutes session

Where we will tap into your Soul Gifts and challenges and your Soul's plan for this lifetime. We meet at Zoom / Whatsapp

Light language clearing

Light language clearing and activation for your specific topic - past lives, relationships, money and so on

Recording of the session

You will get a recording to your email so you can get back to the activation any time you wish. The recording is yours to keep
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